Fulford Academy named a Member School of UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) in Canada

Brockville, ON – In December 2020, Fulford Academy was officially named a Member School of UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) in Canada.  

Launched in 1953, the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) is an international network that links together students, teachers and educational institutions across the world around a common goal: to build peaceful and sustainable societies in the minds of children and young people. The network counts over 11,000 ASPnet member schools in 182 countries which work together on international understanding, peace and human rights, intercultural dialogue, sustainable development and quality education in practice. Furthermore, the ASPnet is recognized as an effective driver for reaching Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Education 2030: to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, and more specifically for target 4.7 on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). 

As a Member School of UNESCO ASPnet, Fulford Academy’s staff and students must meet certain requirements to uphold the principles and values of UNESCO. These include:

  • Participation in at least one global or regional project, conference, contest, or campaign proposed by UNESCO or by the Provincial or National Coordinator, every school year.
  • Celebration of at least two (2) United Nations days, selected from the ASPnet calendar on OTA, involving the entire school community, every school year.
  • Informing their school community about the ASPnet 
  • Updating their information on the online tool for ASPnet (OTA) at least once a year (contact data, school statistics and activities). 
  • Actively engage in minimum two (2) thematic projects out of the (4) thematic priorities:
  1. Promoting UNESCO mission and values
  2. Global Citizenship Education (GCED)
  3. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
  4. Reconciliation
  • Submission of an annual report to the Provincial Coordinator

Named one of just three private schools in Ontario to gain membership into the UNESCO ASPnet, this membership will allow Fulford Academy students and staff to participate in innovative practices, projects, and exchanges. The mission and vision of UNESCO complement the mission and vision of Fulford Academy and the opportunities that this membership will offer will aid in our efforts to cultivate inquiring student minds, develop their critical thinking ability and build their sensitivity to local and Global issues through the application of scientific, technological, and cultural knowledge to real-world problems. As a Member School of UNESCO ASPnet, Fulford Academy aims to develop graduates who will be committed to promoting respect for the rights of others and who will be considerate and appreciative of human differences, and of the constructive expression of ideas.

Fulford Academy named a Member School of UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) in Canada
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