Our School



Head of School: Sarah MacMillan, OCT, M.Ed.

From the Head of School

A Fulford Academy education is simply different.

Our small class sizes, our robust club programs, and the house-based community activities help all of the students feel that this is their school. Be they boarding or day students, all Fulford Academy students know that they are surrounded by caring peers and staff members who are striving to provide them with the best-personalized education they can receive.

Our small class sizes, our robust club programs, and the house-based community activities help all of the students feel that this is their school. Be they boarding or day students, all Fulford Academy students know that they are surrounded by caring peers and staff members who are striving to provide them with the best-personalized education they can receive

Our students are immersed in a differentiated, STEM+A environment in which they are taught the content and skills which will help them to be successful in whatever their postsecondary goals are.

Our core values shape the inclusive atmosphere that is Fulford Academy. We emphasize collaboration and cooperation in our community; we celebrate our differences but seek the common ground to form bridges between individuals and between cultures. We respect the courage required to step outside one’s comfort zone, and always seek the wisdom to make our World a better place for everyone.

Our Vision

In our inclusive and nurturing community, we are dedicated to the individual success of each student. A successful Fulford Academy graduate will be a leader in their future education, in their career, and in the broader community. Our graduates will be committed to promoting respect for the rights of others; they will be considerate and appreciative of human differences, and of the constructive expression of ideas.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide our students with the necessary skills to gain success in a global learning environment. We cultivate inquiring minds and develop their critical thinking ability. Our students build their sensitivity to local and Global issues through the application of scientific, technological, and cultural knowledge to real-world problems.

Our Values



At the core of all of our programming, we aim to offer our students the opportunity to participate in new experiences and challenge them to step out of their comfort zone. By engaging in these types of activities, students develop a stronger sense of self-confidence and independence.



Our students are accepted and encouraged to share their backgrounds, values, and cultural norms. By engaging with students from diverse backgrounds, our students are provided with the opportunity to learn and develop a newfound respect for each other. This prepares all of our students to be successful within the Fulford intercultural community as well as within the global community at large



In accordance to our mission, both our academic curriculum and our student life activities aim to provide all of our students with experiences that will allow them to develop their sensitivity to today’s global issues and encourage them to be the change in making our world a better place.

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Tours are available both virtually and in person. It typically takes one (1) hour to complete and is available during the week or on the weekend. Please book by calling our Admissions Department or filling out our booking form by clicking on the buttons  below:

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