The academic approach found at Fulford Academy offers an immersive experience for students looking to adequately prepare for university. Our STEM + Arts curriculum allows students to be challenged academically and personally as they discover their strengths, apply their skills, and explore new areas of study. This curriculum makes up the core of our academic programming at our boarding academy, providing students with a multidisciplinary foundation for their studies.
The skills students acquire as a result of these courses will carry them through their university studies. Being able to form connections across disciplines helps students advance their critical thinking while truly immersing themselves in the curriculum. Personalized support at every step allows students to stay on track with their academic goals as they get ready for the next step of their education. Continue reading to find out more about our STEM + A programs!
An Innovative Approach to STEM With a Focus on the Arts
The STEM + A curriculum at our boarding preparatory school is an integrated approach to learning. This involves the intersection of two or more standards from Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and the Arts to be taught and assessed in and through each other. With the addition of the Arts to a traditional STEM curriculum, students are able to emphasize the symbiosis that exists between each discipline.
The Arts often showcase the reasoning behind the bulk of STEM studies. The Arts present an opportunity for students to integrate design thinking and creativity in their innovation efforts. The Arts add another dimension to their studies, giving students the framework to solve novel problems outside of the norm. Liberal arts courses pose an environment where students can practice modeling, developing explanations, engaging in discourse, offering and accepting critique, and evaluating thoughtfully. In preparation for university, where courses in various disciplines are often required no matter the chosen major, this proves to set students up for success.

Giving Students the Ability to Choose Their Future
A STEM + A curriculum is also prioritized at Fulford Academy for its ability to prepare students for life rather than a specific profession. No matter what further studies students decide to pursue, and no matter what profession they desire, STEM + A courses help set them up for success. This curriculum allows students to break out of the confinement of choosing one specific program stream and instead offers a multidisciplinary evolution for their studies. Having experience in a range of courses helps them develop a well-rounded education with skills in every field that can eventually be applied to any career option.
In terms of applying to university, students who have authentically embraced a STEM + A curriculum will undoubtedly stand out in the undergraduate admissions process. The variety of courses reflected on student transcripts showcases their ability to apply themselves in multiple areas of study, reflecting their commitment to skill development and adaptability. These important connections between disciplines help students express their voices creatively, giving them the tools to make a mark in their university applications.

Critical Thinking Parallels Creativity at Our Boarding Academy
Critical thinking goes one step further than simply finding the answer to a question. It involves applying the skills necessary to formulate an informed solution backed by logical reasoning. At our boarding academy, students are able to participate in courses involving coding, robotics, mechanical design and engineering problem solving as an integral part of their learning. This high-level approach to problem-solving leaves room for students to get creative, inquire deeper into each topic, and deeply consider all factors involved in finding a solution.
Creativity is enhanced alongside critical thinking skills as students learn to investigate a topic from a new perspective. While creativity isn’t specifically taught, it is applied in every course with an environment that allows students to experiment, succeed, fail, and express themselves along the way. This is something that helps students discover who they are while becoming confident in their contributions to the classroom, as well as their personal lives and the wider community. With creativity and critical thinking skills in their back pocket, they’ll be able to thrive in their chosen path for higher education.
Interested in learning more about our college-prep boarding school?
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