This is my Fulford – Graduate Spotlight: Jerry Shi, China

Jerry Shi

Jerry’s personal motto to ‘never back down’ resonates throughout Fulford Academy given his fierce dedication to giving his all to everything he takes on. Jerry values the support he received from his teachers, knowing their important role in his 2 ½ academic years at Fulford helped him develop the skills he needed to stay on task and work through the demands of his high academic standards.

Jerry will always remember how Fulford Academy helped him adapt to the Canadian education system. He will most remember the project-based, STEM+A learning environment and the school’s focus of applying knowledge and communication in all areas. Jerry’s love of science takes him to the University of Toronto, St. George Campus in September to study Life Sciences. He envisions a science career in the field of research or lab work in his future and hopes to incorporate his particular interests in biology, geology, and volcanos into the plan.

Jerry is a skilled Youtuber whose parody channel is well known by everyone. This, and his love for physics and sandbox-oriented video games (From the Depths, Demolition Company, and Universe Sandbox are tops!) will keep him busy over the summer months while relaxing at home. Jerry is very happy to have his mom travel to Brockville to attend his Fulford Academy graduation ceremony.

Although he has mixed feelings about trading high school for university, he does look forward to having more freedom and to doing things on his own and exploring stuff he is interested in on a deeper level. You are a star, Jerry, who will do great things for the world. We will all miss watching you shine at Fulford Academy!

This is my Fulford – Graduate Spotlight: Jerry Shi, China
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